Thursday, July 1, 2010

Falling apart piece by piece...

No, I'm not speaking about the emotional trials and tribulations of infertility....we'll talk about that at a later date, maybe. Nope, I'm talking about falling apart physically. LOL, so one could say that it all started with my toe. But, I'm not going to because I'm in denial that I actually need to get it looked at by someone other than my Foot Lady. She swears that a beautiful new nail will start to grow in soon. (I'm choosing to believe her because that's a lot more fun than going to a Dr. who would want to take it off...ewww)
So it all started last week with my blood draws. (Oh, and BTW I finally ovulated last Sunday, whoot!) My inner elbows look like a scene from a horror movie, but are slowly getting better. It didn't help that the veins in my left arm cowered in fear from the needles and that most of the blood had to come from my right arm. Ouch! The positive side? I'm done with all that (for now).
Last week I went to school to clean and was stepping up on a child-sized chair to reach a high shelf. Apparently my inner klutz has began to make an appearance, because guess what happened? I fell off the chair. And landed with my leg jamming down on the back of the chair. Ouch! I was left with a red mark about 3 inches in diameter that later turned into a lovely looking purple/blue bruise.
And then? This week I was walking up on our deck and tripped over a step. I went to catch myself with my hand and my engagement ring was turned to the side and dug into my baby finger. Ouch! My baby finger immediately started to swell, bleed, and bruise. It still looks awful and this happened two days ago.
Oh, and my back hurts. And has for three days. Garumph.
So, the moral of this blog? To let you all know that if you see my walking slow, holding on to thing for support, or generally looking stupid, it's so that I can avoid further bodily injury to myself!



omg LOL! :D
afa the needle sticks go, you know I'm the worst for that. Do you remember what they looked like after Maria was born? OMG unreal! I have pics of them black and blue and green all the way from my wrists up past my elbow. IDK my viens are just extremely selfish. They want to keep what they've got. Looks like we need to teach both of our bodies to share. lol. good news though, you wont end up with a PICC line during pregnancy like I did b/c they were so bad LOL. so you've got THAT going for you. ;-)

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