Friday, July 30, 2010

"I'm sorry you're not feeling icky"

Two shots down and two to go my friends! I've officially reached the half-way point of this regimen. (Only, really I'm kinda like more than half-way because I get my third shot today.) I've learned a couple things in the past few days:
  • Needle size: smaller is better. My delightful pharmacy messed up (now, is that really a surprise to anyone?) and gave me five 22 1/2 gage (BIG) and two 30 1/2 gage (small) needles. It's somewhat difficult and, perhaps, unsanitary to use the small needles for all four shots. So, we used one small needle for the first shot and the big needles for the second and third shot. And the last shot? Oh, well I plan on using the small needle for that. You know, so I have something to look forward to.

  • I don't seem to have much body fat on the top of my thigh. That came as a true surprise to me...when I went to pinch the area I didn't have much to pinch. Upon further study I realized that my fat on my thigh resides on the inner most portion. Good to know.

  • It's important to STAY AWAY from the phlebotomy student when getting bloodwork done. (oh, did you know Dr. Delightful wants to monitor my hormone levels? This constitutes more bloodwork.) You know, I had my doubts about the resident phlebotomy student when she didn't know how to work the copier. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt because she didn't go to school to learn how to use a copier. Oh, bad mistake my friend, bad mistake. We'll just say that after a lot of rooting around in my vein...the syringe was pulled out and put back in by a more experienced person. Phlebotomy students words to me: "I'm just really glad I found the vein!" (Ummm, yeah...but your job is to get blood OUT of said vein...)

  • HCG, so far, hasn't given me any side effects. The literature I got about the drug said possible side effects were nausea and tender breasts. I've got nothing, nada. I told K I was kinda sad I didn't have any effects because I didn't know if the absence of said effects meant the drug wasn't working. His response? "I'm sorry you're not feeling icky." LOL, after he said that I realized just how silly I sounded!



lol ken :D actually that's a really good sign though. b/c it means that when you ARE pregnant and your body is making the hormone itself, you prob wont have those side effects either. so here's hoping theres no morning sickness in your future as a mother (which i'm sure is just around the corner). :-)
btw, i think you need to change your layout too. your background "has been moved or deleted by photobucket". :-) mine was just something quick. i'm gonna do a big change in the fall, but i just got really tired of the old see through one. :-P

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