Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mystery Mail

A few months ago K receives this bright pink envelope in the mail. Upon opening we discover that two people will be getting married on August 28th. Now, this is a rather common event, no? I would agree; however! It took him literally a half hour and a call to his brother to figure out just who these two people were. There was no name, heck, it even took us a while to figure out where this delightfully mysterious 'save the date' magnet came from.
My thoughts about this? Well, first I was a bit taken aback that my husband is receiving a pink envelope in the mail. Because, mind you, my name was not on said envelope. And then? I was a bit curious why, oh why, a girl he has not seen FOR 8 YEARS is inviting him to her wedding. Slightly strange.
Fast forward to the present. K receives yet another questionable envelope in the mail today. This one has perky pink and black dots all over it. Again, with no name of the return address. However! This time I am on top of things. I just knew that it was from the mystery couple. Yet again my name was not on said envelope. I surely thought this was an oversight on the bride's part. I mean really? K and I have been married for TWO years. Surely my will be on the fancy inside envelope.....right?

NOPE. It was addressed to K and Guest. Seriously? Seriously. I mean COME ON. If you don't know someone well enough to know they have been married for TWO YEARS, why on earth are you inviting them to your wedding? I just do not get it. (Can you tell I am highly offended?) This just screams that either
A.) you are starving for attention
B.) you want to show off how far you have come since high school
c.) you want gifts

The best part will come when I get to send the RSVP back. I am going to make it very clear to write Mr. and MRS. K and then put my address label in the return spot. Perhaps it will make this chick stop and think for a minute!



lol. yah that screams "look how cool i am and i have come sooo far since high school :-P"

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