Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Faster Than the Speed of Light

Or so it seems. What am I talking about? Why the results of the ultrasound I had done yesterday evening at 6:45. Let me back up...

When K and I met with Dr. Delightful he wanted me to get an ultrasound done at Clomid+7 (a.k.a. right before ovulation) to see if my eggs were developing properly. One of his theories was that my estrodial might be low because of poor egg production. Anyway, yesterday happened to be Clomid+7 so, therefore, to the hospital I went to get photos taken of my uterus. Awesome.

At the start of this cycle, when I realized that I would get an ultrasound done (again) without being preggers, I was quite upset. I mean really, how stinky is it for someone who really, really wants to see a little baby moving around to, instead, see emptiness? I got over this but it was still difficult to walk myself past the maternity ward. Someday...right?

Anyway, I digress. I called Dr. Delightful's office at lunch today in order to give them the heads up that I had my ultrasound done yesterday and that they should expect the results in 2-3 days. I fully didn't expect to hear from them until late this week or early next week. Dr.s offices move slower than molasses, right? Apparently not! Cathleen called this afternoon with my results!

I was told that my endometrial lining is developing we;; and that there were follicles maturing on the left side. And expect to ovulate tomorrow or Thursday. Coolness! Not only were my results super speedy, but things sound pretty good down there! Way to go body!


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